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Some Ideas To Better Compare EasyLanguage Programmers

It seems that when it comes down to deciding for the "right" programmer the pricing is the ultimate decision tool. One might argue that if you want program A and two programmers can deliver it: Why not go with the cheaper one? They will be same program A. Why pay more? When comparing two goods that are exactly alike, I would tend to agree with you. However two programmers working with the same specifications will probably not arrive at the exact same outcome. Both programs will accomplish the same task, but there can be differences ranging from very subtle to quite noticeable. Let me give you an example.
One programmer properly documented the source code and the other did not. Why should that even bother you if you can't program? This could become a problem in case you want to switch to a different programmer in the future. If he (or she) should make additions or changes to the original code for you, it will take longer for him to understand the source code. The additional time will most definitely be something you have to pay for. Maybe you know the programming language to some extend and are able to do minor changes yourself. Then you will appreciate the time saving you experience when you are able to find your way around right away. Don't believe uncommented source code is an exception. I have seen plenty of examples where the client paid top dollars and the code was not documented at all. Proper documented and commented source code is almost the exception rather than the norm.
So how should the code look then? In my opinion the code should tell what is done and the comments say why it's done. If a piece of code says something clearly, there is no need to add extensive comments for that piece. This results in code that is both easy to read and understand. Variables should have names that reflect their purpose for example. The comments are clear and not excessive. In general I would say everything that helps understanding the code, its purpose and readability is useful. A novel for each line of code definitely is not.

In my opinion the goal should always be to get the best result, while having the best working relationship and get this for a fair price.

Let me give you my opinion on what to look for in a programmer that is more important than the money charged. I am convinced that you will save money in the end more often than not, if you follow these simple guidelines.
Let's assume you are looking for an EasyLanguage programmer to help you with a project in Tradestation or Multicharts. I am aware that some points might be very hard to fully check upfront, but it doesn't hurt considering them.

  • You want to look for a programmer that is experienced in the language and the software.Don't take his word for granted, he should be able to display this via a portfolio of work he did before. He should be able to provide you with code examples that demonstrate his abilities. Take a look at this EasyLanguage Programmer website to see what I mean.
  • Having trading experience is beneficial, as he will know what you are talking about.
  • The programmer should be able to get the work done. It doesn't do you any good if the programmer doesn't hold the deadlines. You want to have the code for your ideas and not wait while the programmer procrastinates the work over and over again. Of course problems can always come up during a project that shift timelines, but this should be the exception rather than the rule.
  • How are the programmer's current time commitments? Is there enough room that he can fully focus on your project? If he can't fully commit to your project at the moment, you will be better off with someone who can.
  • One of the most important points is: Can you work with him? It will probably harm the work relationship if you can't stand the guy. You need to trust your instincts here. Usually there are only a couple of emails or calls, before you make the decision. The less you know about programming the more crucial it becomes to you that the programmer can communicate in way that translates how the program works.
  • Can you reach the programmer when you need help? Does he answer your questions in a timely manner?
  • You want a smart programmer, who is able to think outside of the box. Some problems call for solutions that are not plain vanilla. If the programmer only gets stuff done the hard way, this will become slow and frustrating to you.

If you carefully consider these points the chances are that your experience from beginning to end of your project will be positive. Although this certainly is not a guarantee for a successful working relationship, it shifts the odds toward that. In case you have more than one programmer that fits the above topics, the pricing could be taken into account as a deciding factor.

Putting the pricing first and rushing into a project might provide you with a rude awakening.

great EasyLanguage Programmer project experience image

I am asked a lot about the fair hour pricing for an EasyLanguage Programmer. As I have pointed out above the price should not be the ultimate decision making tool. Therefore I can't judge about what is fair and what not, as this is subjective. I can tell you what I know. The price charged per hour varies between the programmers and ranges from about $ 75 up to $ 500. The majority falls between $ 100 and $ 150 from what I know. If the programmer matches the points covered and the pricing is within or near the majority of what is charged I would think you have a great deal.